The Complete Guide to Getting Your Wyoming Fishing License


With an abundance of crystal-clear rivers, lakes, and streams, anglers can explore some of the most scenic landscapes North America has to offer. 

In addition to this, Wyoming’s diverse range of fish species provides an excellent opportunity for experienced and novice fishers alike.

Specifically, trout fishing in Wyoming is a popular pastime due to the state’s wide variety of high-quality trout populations.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting your Wyoming fishing license – from eligibility and cost to purchase procedures and regulations.

Who Needs a Wyoming Fishing License

WY Fishing License
14+ Years Old14+ Years old

Wyoming Game and Fish Department requires that residents aged 14 or over are required to obtain a valid fishing license in order to legally participate in the sport. 

This includes any anglers who are 18 and under, as the state issues special youth fishing licenses for those under 18 years old.

In addition to this, those aged 14 or over must also obtain a Conservation Stamp, which provides additional protection of the state’s fisheries and wildlife habitats. 

Non-residents aged 14 or over must purchase a nonresident annual fishing license, which is valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Conservation Stamp

Wyoming landscape of mountain and lake

In the state of Wyoming, all individuals who are licensed to hunt or fish must purchase a valid conservation stamp in order to do so. 

This stamp is valid for twelve consecutive months from the date of purchase and must be in the possession of the angler or hunter at all times.

Failure to have a valid conservation stamp could result in legal action being taken against the responsible party.

In Wyoming, persons who hold any of the following licenses are exempt from having to purchase a conservation stamp if they hold one of the following licenses or qualify in one of the following circumstances:

  • Daily fishing or hunting license;
  • Non-resident five consecutive day fishing license;
  • Special limited fishing permit holders;
  • Wyoming fifty percent (50%) disabled veteran fishing license;
  • Resident permanently and totally disabled lifetime fishing license;
  • Any Wyoming pioneer hunting or fishing license;
  • Honorably discharged Wyoming resident veteran who is one-hundred percent (100%) disabled game bird, small game and fishing license;
  • Military combat general elk or general deer license;
  • Military combat game bird or small game license;
  • Licenses reissued to a veteran with disabilities or a person with a permanent disability who uses a wheelchair;
  • Resident United States Military Purple Heart Medal recipients.

What Age Do You Need a Fishing License in Wyoming

Both residents and non-residents in Wyoming need a fishing incense if they are over the age of 14.


You are considered a resident of Wyoming if you are a United States citizen or a lawful alien who has been domiciled in the state for at least one year prior to applying for a fishing license. 

You also must not have claimed residency in any other state, territory, or country during that year period.


Non-residents are able to get an out of state Wyoming fishing license if they want to fish in the state. 

These licenses are subject to higher prices than residents, and must still follow all fishing regulations set by the state.

Non-resident Youth:

Youth under 14 years of age do not need a valid fishing license when accompanied by an adult who has one; however, their creel limit will be determined by the non-resident adult’s fishing license. 

Nonresident youth under 14 who have their own daily or non-resident youth annual fishing license may catch and possess the full creel limit.

How to Buy a Wyoming Fishing License

Anglers can purchase a Wyoming fishing license online from the WGFD website or from a license retailer. 


If you want to purchase your license online, go to, apply, pay, and print your license all in one place.

Selling Agents

If you would prefer to purchase a license in person, you can pick one up from a local license retailer. A list of retailers can be found on the fish and game department website. 

How Much Is a Fishing License in Wyoming

Wyoming fishing license cost will vary depending on the kind and duration purchased as well as whether or not you are a resident. 

Wyoming Resident Fishing License
License TitleLicense Fee
Resident Annual Fishing License$27.00
Resident Daily Fishing License$6.00
Resident Youth 12 Month Fishing License (between 14th & 18th birthday)$3.00
Resident Lifetime Fishing License (requires 10 years continuous residency)$311.00
Resident Lifetime Fishing License & Conservation Stamp (requires 10 years continuous residency)$496.50
Resident Lifetime Fishing License & Conservation Stamp for the permanently and totally disabledFree
Resident Lifetime Pioneer Fishing License (65 years of age and 30 total years of residency)Free
Wyoming Non-resident Fishing License
Nonresident 12 Month Fishing License1$102.00
Nonresident Daily Fishing License$14.00
Nonresident Five Consecutive Day Fishing License$56.00
Nonresident Youth 12 Month Fishing License (before 18th birthday)1$15.00
Additional Stamps and Licenses
12 Month Conservation Stamp$21.50
Lifetime Conservation Stamp$185.50
Flaming Gorge Reservoir Reciprocal Stamp (must possess a valid Utah resident fishing license)$30.00
License to Seine or Trap Live Fish$21.00
License to Deal in Live Bait$69.00

Daily Fishing Limits

trout fish swimming underwater
Statewide Creel Limits
Fish SpeciesLimit
Trout in combination (includes brown, cutthroat, grayling, golden, rainbow, salmon, tiger trout, and other trout hybrids).

Excludes brook trout, lake trout and splake.
When fishing in both lakes and streams, a maximum of 6 trout is allowed and no more than 1 trout may exceed 16 inches.

On lakes, the limit is 6, while on streams the limit is 3. The combined total of both lake and stream trout cannot exceed 6.
Brook trout16
Lake trout and splake in combinationThe maximum limit for lake trout or splake is 6, and no more than 1 fish can exceed 24 inches.
Channel catfish6
Largemouth and smallmouth bass in combination6
Shovelnose sturgeon2
Tiger muskieAll tiger muskie less than 36 inches in length must be immediately released back into the water.

Only 1 can be kept per person.
Yellow perch, black bullhead, stonecat, crappie, rock bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, green sunfish, green sunfish-bluegill hybrid, freshwater drum in combination50
Northern pikeLimit depends on drainage area.

Free Fishing Day

The first Saturday in June is the start of National Boating and Fishing Week in Wyoming, and the state’s free fishing day.

On Free fishing day, anyone can fish in Wyoming without having a fishing license. It is important to note that all other fishing regulations such as gear restrictions, creel and size limits, and stream closures will still be in effect 

This celebration is in place to highlight the importance of providing recreational boating and fishing opportunities that contribute to preserving the fisheries in the state. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is an out of state fishing license in Wyoming?

How much an out of state fishing license in Wyoming costs is dependent on the type of license purchased. The are four options for visiting anglers to choose from.

– A daily fishing license for non-residents costs $14 
– An annual fishing license for non-residents costs $102
– Five day license costs $56
– A Non-resident youth annual license costs $15

Can I buy my Wyoming fishing license online?

Yes, you can buy your Wyoming fishing license online by going to the Wyoming Game & Fish Department website, filling out the application, and paying the fee and you’ll be able to print out your license and start fishing. 

What happens if you fish without a license in Wyoming?

If you fish without a license in Wyoming it is considered a misdemeanor and may require a court appearance, posting bond, and the risk of facing hefty fines or time in county jail. 

The highest charge carries up to $10,000 in fines and one year’s imprisonment.

Does a Wyoming elk license include fishing?

A Wyoming elk license does include fishing. Hunters who purchase full-price elk licenses are granted an annual fishing privilege without the need to buy any additional fishing licenses.

Final Thoughts

Protecting Wyoming’s waters and fisheries is everyone’s responsibility.

Following the law and getting your valid fishing license is a small but important step you can take to help maintain the state’s aquatic resources and support its fish population. 

By doing so, you will not only be helping to promote responsible angling practices but also ensuring that you are legally able to partake in the sport that we all love. 

Once you have your license be sure to download our bass fishing lures cheat sheet so you always know the best lure to throw no matter where you’re throwing it.