Everything You Need to Know to Get Your Utah Fishing License

Last Updated on June 2, 2023

Are you looking to take a fishing trip in Utah? It’s important to make sure you have the proper licensing before setting off. 

Obtaining a fishing license in Utah is easy, but there are certain details to be aware of, such as eligibility requirements and which type of license best meets your needs. 

Read on for all the information you need to get started with getting your Utah fishing license.

Going fishing in Utah? Then give a read to our Best Bass Fishing Lakes in Utah review.

Who Needs a Fishing License in Utah?

Fishing License Utah
12+ Years Old12+ Years old

Utah has a few fishing regulations that need to be followed regardless of residency.

  • There are restrictions on purchasing fishing and hunting licenses for those who have not paid their child support and will not be able to purchase a license until payments are current;
  • Fishing in Utah is limited to two poles per person with a one-daily limit of fish;
  • Three hooks and baited lures are allowed on artificial lures when fishing for crayfish or using a setline;
  • Ice fishing holes must be no bigger than 12 inches wide, except at Bear Lake, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, and Fish Lake;
  • Fishers must stay within sight of their equipment unless they have a setline permit.

Statewide Kokanee Salmon Closure

kokanee salmon underwater

Statewide Kokanee salmon closures go into effect from September 10 through November 30. 

During this time period, it is illegal to possess kokanee salmon at any waterbody in the state of Utah. 

What Age Do You Need a Fishing License in Utah?

Those 12 years of age and older must purchase a fishing license or a combination license to fish in Utah. 

Additionally, those under 12 years of age are exempt from needing a license. They are also able to double up on poles, use a setline, and take the full daily limit without having a fishing license.

Reciprocal Fishing Permits

Fishing across state lines is allowed in Utah for Bear Lake, Lake Powell, and Flaming Gorge Reservoir. 

Non-resident anglers in Utah and Wyoming must purchase non-resident fishing licenses from both states in order to fish all of Flaming Gorge Reservoir.


In the state of Utah, a resident is defined as a person who has had a domicile, or a fixed permanent home in the state for six consecutive months prior to the purchase of a hunting, fishing, or trapping license or permit. 

Residents must not claim residency for these activities in any other states or countries.

Utah residents with specific physical or mental disabilities, as well as children in the custody of the state, by court order, may qualify for a free fishing license. 

To find out if you qualify, please visit wildlife.utah.gov/disabled or contact your nearest Division office for more information.


Anyone who does not meet the residency qualifications needs to purchase a Utah out of state fishing license

How to Buy a Utah Fishing License Online

Lake Powell, Utah

There are multiple ways to purchase a Utah state fishing license with options ranging from online to in-person. 

In order to purchase Utah Hunting and Fishing Licenses, you must be able to prove residency with a form of identification such as a driver’s license.


You can purchase both resident and Utah non-resident fishing licenses online by visiting 

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website, fill out the application, and make the purchase. 

In Person

Anglers can purchase a license from a license agent in person. Agents can be found on the State of Utah website.


Utah residents and visitors can purchase their fishing license over the phone by calling 1-800-221-0659. 

Mobile App

Anglers are able to download the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) Hunting & Fishing app. This free mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices, and allows users to purchase a license, but also:

  • Users can store their fishing, hunting, or combination licenses on their mobile device
  • Download select permits
  • Learn about upcoming events
  • View map of hunting unit and legal hunting hours for any date
  • Access fish/upland game/waterfowl identification guides
  • View hunt drawing history and results
  • Report a poacher
  • Find a Walk-in Access area

How Much Is a Fishing License in Utah

Utah Lake

Prices for fishing licenses vary depending on the type of license desired. More information on licenses can be found in Utah’s fishing guidebook.

Utah Fishing Licenses
License TitleLicense Fee
Resident 1-year fishing (age 12–13)$5.00
Resident 1-year fishing (age 14–17)$16.00
Resident 1-year fishing (age 18–64)$34.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$33 Per Year
Resident-year fishing (age 65 and older)$25.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$25 per year
Resident disabled veteran 1-year fishing$12.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$12 Per Year
Resident 3-day fishing$16.00
Resident 7-day fishing$20.00
Resident setline fishing permit (valid only when used with a current fishing license)$20.00
Non-resident 1-year fishing (age 12–13)$6.00
Non-resident 1-year fishing (age 14–17)$29.00
Non-resident 1-year fishing (age 18 and older)$85.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$84 Per Year
Non-resident 3-day fishing$28.00
Non-resident 7-day fishing$46.00
Non-resident setline fishing license (valid only when used with a current fishing license)$23.00
Reciprocal Permits
Flaming Gorge reciprocal permit$12.00
Combination Fishing and Hunting License
Resident 1-year combination (age 14–17)$20.00
Resident 1-year combination (age 18–64)$38.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$37 Per Year
Resident 1-year combination (age 65 and older)$29.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$29 Per Year
Resident disabled veteran 1-year combination$28.50
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$28.50 Per Year
Non-resident 1-year combination license (age 17 and younger)$33.00
Non-resident 1-year combination license (age 18 and older)$98.00
Additional multi-year licenses (up to five years).$97 Per Year

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you fish in Utah without a license?

You can fish in Utah without a license if you are under 12 years old. 

Can I get my Utah fishing license online?

You can get your Utah fishing license online by visiting Utah division of wildlife resources website

How much is a ticket for fishing without a license in Utah?

A ticket for fishing without a license in Utah can cost up to $1,000.00.

Fishing without a license in the state of Utah is a class B misdemeanor with penalties including up to six months in jail.

The Wildlife Board could also suspend your hunting and fishing license or permit for up to three years.

What are the requirements to obtain a Utah fishing license?

The requirements to obtain a Utah fishing license include being over the age of 12, being up to date on child support payments, and being able to pay the license fee.

Final Thoughts

You can easily obtain your Utah fishing license and start enjoying all the incredible fishing the state has to offer. Not only is getting a license the law, but it’s also our duty to support and protect the waters we fish. 

The funds from license purchase not only allow your fishing trip to be legal but are also reinvested into the management of fisheries and habitat conservation, so don’t miss out on helping to ensure there are plentiful fishing opportunities in the future.

Once you get your Utah fishing license, don’t forget to download our bass lures cheatsheet, so you always know the best lure to throw, no matter where you’re fishing.